To get started with this package, you'll need to do a couple of things. First, you'll need to be able to quickly solve large linear programs in matlab: Matlab 5.3 comes with a useful solver called "linprog". Earlier versions of matlab have code to solve linear programs, but it won't be useful except for the smallest and simplest economies. I've created an interface to a quite good code called xbpmpd; use this if you can. Commercial codes may do even better; if you write an interface to say, CPLEX, let me know. Second, you should copy the file de_setup.m to someplace in your matlab path (e.g., ~/matlab/de_setup.m). Edit this file, setting the variables LP and DE_ROOT to appropriate values. You may want to call de_setup from your startup.m file. Third, check out the functioning of the code. Take a look at the example code in the file testbench.m. Executing "testbench(1)" will provide a good test of the lp solver; executing "testbench(2)" will test the accuracy of your solvers' solutions to an economy with insurance. Fourth, take a look at the example code in the directory DiscreteEconomy/Examples. Have fun. -Ethan Ligon