Useful Information and Homework Policies for EEP 101/Econ 125

Locating Your GSIs:
Brian Gross
Office: Giannini 303
Office Hours: Thurs 1-3 pm
Jenny Ifft
Office: Giannini 304
Office Hours: Mon 4-5 pm, Thurs 2:15-3:15 pm

Location and Times of Discussion Sections

Section 101
M 9-10
116 Haviland
GSI: Jenny
Section 102
M 3-4
243 Dwinelle
GSI: Jenny
Section 103
F 1-2
116 Haviland
GSI: Brian
Section 104
F 3-4
116 Haviland
GSI: Brian

Attending Section:

Attendance is not directly computed into the grading policy. However, failure to attend the discussion section (or lecture) on a regular basis will likely have a negative impact on students' grades. Also, students who do not attend discussion section (or class) should be warned that it is not the responsibility of the GSI to do a makeup section during office hours. It is the student's responsibility to copy notes. from a fellow student or to attend another section.

Office Hours: Each GSI will hold two office hours each week. While it is preferable to attend the office hours of your GSI, please feel free to attend the office hours of the other GSI if necessary.


There will be 4 homework assignments over the course of the semester. You will normally be given 2 weeks to complete them. They will be worth 20% of your grade. Homework will be due during lecture. Please do not work on the assignments during lecture. Late assignments will not be accepted without prior consent by either the professor or one of the GSIs.

GSIs do occasionally make mistakes in grading. Requests for grade clarifications/changes on homework assignments and exams should first be directed to your GSI (do not approach another GSI or the professor).