Ethan Ligon
Curriculum Vitae

213 Giannini Hall +1 (510) 859 ECON



EEP 100

Microeconomic Theory with Applications to Natural Resources.

ARE 241

University Service

Joint Committee on Campus Information Technology (JCCIT)

The JCCIT is charged with providing “faculty input, perspective, and advice to the campus Chief Information Officer (CIO) about IT issues and initiatives at the University,” and is jointly appointed by the Academic Senate and by the campus CIO.


Phone: +1 510-859-3266

Office Hours

I hold regular “drop-in” office hours at my office in 213 Giannini Hall. Make an appointment on-line.

Secure communication

  • My PGP Public Key
  • My signal fingerprint:
    05 81 6e 22 3e 61 4d ab 4d
    8d 32 28 65 67 db 84 ab 15
    d4 1c c4 4d 51 82 63 28 b6
    73 19 1c 26 26 90 58

Author: Ethan Ligon

Created: 2016-12-16 Fri 11:08
